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Violence Against Women Statement

As an organisation, we see the effect that violence has on women, as we witness this daily; the impact is far-reaching across our city and beyond.

We support women around these issues while following our values of Transformation, Inspiration, Independence and Equality.

We understand that the recent news about Sarah Everard has brought up feelings of unsafety, inequality and deep-rooted trauma. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case; one woman dies every three days.

No woman should feel unsafe walking in the street, and yet 97% of women report having been harassed.


This means that if you look at the women around you, most have experienced catcalling, up-skirting, groping, verbal abuse, hate comments, stalking, flashing & rape.

We want all women to know that we stand with them. We see you, and we can support you. Our offer of education, counselling and financial grants are available to help all women across Merseyside who have survived violence.

Together we must take action for change - to protect women who are just walking home.



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