During the lockdowns, many people have broadened their horizons by studying online and chasing their passion projects. We caught up with a student from our latest Creative Writing class who has used her time to come together with other women in the community and get inspired to write her first book!
What was your life like before Blackburne House?
I’d quit my job in September 2020 and so I was looking for something I could do during lockdown.
What made you get back into education?
I love reading and enjoy a whole variety of books. However, during lockdown things had been tough and quite monotonous so a friend had recommended signing up for the course together as a fun thing do to. So I agreed.
Why did you choose to study at Blackburne House and how did you hear about it?
I chose to study at Blackburne house because a friend was already doing a course there and she highly recommended that I sign up for the Creative Writing course. My friend spoke very highly of the staff and tutors at Blackburne House, so it really encouraged me to sign up.
What did you study and how did you find returning to education?
Me and my friend signed up for the Level 1 Creative Writing Course. It was really different doing it over Zoom and took a couple of weeks to get used to but the Tutor (shout out to Bev Dulson!!) was so lovely and welcoming. It didn’t feel like I was studying, it felt like I was coming together with a lovely group of ladies to really get our creative juices flowing.
Why did you choose that course?
As mentioned earlier, I do love reading and recently had gotten into journaling. Last year I decided to try and write a book but after a few weeks the idea fizzled out. I thought this would be a great opportunity to broaden my creativity.
How did you find your experience at Blackburne House?
In a nutshell? It was great!! Bev was so welcoming and brought the ladies together; she encouraged us to pursue our passion and she told us we all had something valuable to write about.
Bev really respected our individuality whilst at the same time bringing us together as a group.
What would you say to other women thinking of going back into education?
I’d tell them to go for it! Anyone out there thinking of going back into education (especially if you’re thinking about signing up for a course at Blackburne House) I’d say do it. Staff are so lovely and welcoming and it feels like you’re part of a community.
What have you done with your qualifications?
I’ve just recently finished the Level 1 Creative Writing course and I’m hoping to go onto the Blogging course that Blackburne House is offering.
What are you doing now?
For now I am going to continue to work on my book and keep up my journaling. Who knows, if Blackburne House start a level 2 Creative Writing course I’d be the first to join up! I have also just started a new job so I’m still trying to establish a routine.
What are your aspirations for the future?
To write my book. I feel so much more confident and motivated to get working on it. Of course, I would love to publish it but I know that even if I did it for myself it would still be worth it.